Senior lecturer, Dept. of Physiology, Victor Babes University of Medicine
and Pharmacy, Timisoara
2000: MD, functional explorations
2003: Specialist: Clinical Laboratory, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Parasitology,
2001: PhD in Medicine, specialty: normal and pathological physiology,
Timisoara University Centre, dissertation: 'Experimental research on
the reactivity of human bronchus'
Physiology and physiopathology of the smooth muscle with focus on the
reactivity of the tracheobronchial smooth muscle;
Within the discipline I completed the experimental model of investigating
the reactivity of the smooth muscle of human bronchus; the model set
up the basis for my PhD dissertation;
In parallel, I took part as a member of the work group in the studies
developed within the discipline concerning the reactivity of the vascular
smooth muscle (especially of the venous smooth muscle), and in a series
of clinical studies focusing on the reactivity of respiratory tracks;
Within the molecular biology section (Immunophysiology and Biotechnologies
Centre, Timisoara), I completed a series of techniques for isolating
nucleic acids, reversetranscription and amplification of genic fragments
using the PCR technique;
Plasticization of stem cells.
Collaboration on contract-based scientific research projects
1. Pre-clinic and clinic research
on the Romanian product Antagonic-stress
Research contract with POLGEC SRL, Bucharest
Contract value: 2.900.000 lei
Coordinator: Prof. Schneider F., MD, PhD
2. Bronchomotility. Immuno-allergic
1992 - 1995, Research contract with the Academy of Medical Sciences
Contract value: 9.600.000 lei
Coordinator: Prof. Schneider F., MD, PhD
3. Physiology of tracheobronchial
smooth musculature.
Experimental and clinical studies, 1992-1995, Research contract
with the Ministry of Education and with the Ministry of Research and
Contract value: 16.300.000 lei
Coordinator: Prof. Schneider F., MD, PhD
4. Monitoring the responsiveness
in bronchial asthma
Clinical and experimental study 2002-2003
Grant A Contract - CNCSIS, Nr. 1331/33454/ 17.07.2002 [i 620/33542/1.07.2003
Grant manager: Prof. Mihalas G., MD, PhD
Contract value: 164.000.000 lei
5. Development of tissual bioengineering
techniques for osteo-articular and myocardial reconstruction
Contract with the Ministry of Research and Technology, National Research,
Development, and Innovation Programs - the MATNANTECH Programme, No.
162 (303)
Contract value: 2.5 billions ROL(over 60000 EUR)
Grant manager: Prof. Virgil Paunescu, MD, PhD
6. Adult mesenchymal stem cells
engineering for connective tissue disorders. From the bench to the bed
FP6 integrated project, GENOSTEM no. 503161
Duration: 2003-2006
Project coordinator for Romania: Prof. Virgil Paunescu, MD, PhD
7. Quality and safety assessment
in clinical and toxicological application of stem cells
FP6 integrated project, SAFESTEM, section 'Advanced genomics and its
applications for health'
Project manager for Romania: Assoc. Prof. Carmen Bunu, MD, PhD
8. Non-myeloablative allogeneic
stem cell transplantation in refractory solid tumors: refining the graft-versus-tumor
FP6 integrated project, ALLOSOLID
Project manager for Romania: Prof. Dr. Hortensia Ionita
Member of the National Society of Physiological Sciences
Member of the Federation of European Physiological Sciences (FEPS)
Member of the National Society of Cellular Biology
Member of the editorial board of Physiology, the official journal
of the Romanian Society of Physiological Sciences
Member of the Immunophysiology and Biotechnologies Centre, Timisoara
(director: Prof. Dr. Virgil Paunescu)
Member of the bioinformatics' work group (coordinator: Prof. Dr. Gheorghe
Starting with 2003: responsible for the Marie-Curie program, Department
of International Relations, Victor Babes University of Medicine and
Pharmacy, Timisoara
27 participations in national and international conventions
Elaboration of 94 scientific works, among which 10 collaborations on
work books, and monographs; 30 papers published in extenso - 6 papers
as first author, and 24 papers as co-author; 42 papers published in
abstract volumes of international and national conferences; 12 oral
presentations presented at national and international scientific conventions.
Paunescu V., Suciu E., Tatu C., Plesa A., Herman D., Siska I. R., Suciu
C., Crîsnic D., Nistor D., Tanasie G., Bunu C., Raica M., 'Endothelial
cells obtained from haematopoietic stem cells are functionally different
from those obtained from human umbilical vein' , Journal of Cellular
and Molecular Medicine, 7 (4): 455 - 460, 2003